What we do

Sorting, Collation and Pagination​

Records are sorted into an easy-to-use format. Our expert team quickly identifies missing information vital to a claim prior to pagination to provide a detailed index with dates and outcomes. We provide radiology schedules and upload imaging to our online radiology viewer. We then provide a final document to highlight discrepancies we found in the records.

Core Bundles: We can sort and index records relating to a claim, placing all other records separately with associated cost savings.


Summaries, Chronologies and Analyses​

We can create a summary report or chronology of events to allow clients to focus on critical events and facts. From a cost-effective, brief summary, chronological or record-specific report to a full summary encapsulating all relevant medical history, MCB has the experience and expertise to tailor to clients’ reporting requirements.

Summarising and Digitisation Services for GP Surgeries​

We provide high-quality, cost-effective solutions for GP surgeries. Do you struggle with space or organisational challenges? If so, here’s how MCB can help: 

Is storing bulky Lloyd George cards taking up essential space in your practice? 
• High-resolution scanning will keep patient records safe and give you space. 

Do you have historical paper or electronic records that need to be summarised? 
• Our experienced nurses will provide summaries that integrate into your current system.

Is safeguarding confidential medical records a priority? 
• We offer a secure storage portal with encrypted records accessible by secure login.

Are you wasting valuable time searching for paper records? 
• Using our secure electronic system, scanned records are easily searchable by content or filename.


The Archive Bureau is our online document sharing and storage portal. Clients can upload unsorted records to this secure site for our team to collate, and finished bundles can be shared with colleagues, counsel, and experts. Different levels of permissions are available from read-only to document uploading and sharing.

Using state-of-the-art copiers and scanners, our case co-ordinators reproduce any size of document on paper or electronically. Electronic documents are interactive with bookmarks and searchable text, and comments are sharable with no effect on the original document.

Contact our team to find out more about our services or to discuss your specific requirements

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